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Are your symptoms ruling your life?

Nutritional support, evidence-based supplements and gut health tests to address the root cause of your gut symptoms.

SIBO meal and diet plan

IBS & Gut Health Meal Plans

SIBO Nutritionist

Gut Health Nutritionists

IBS and SIBO stomach pain

Gut Health Tests

Does this sound familiar?

Have you been through a long list of tests only to be told everything is clear?
This can leave you unsure of your next steps.

Already had lots of tests?

This initially rules out the more worrying diagnoses. However, if your symptoms are still present and you’re no closer to a resolution then you may feel non-the-wiser about the underlying issue.

Spent a lot of time on Google?

Not knowing the cause of your symptoms can lead you to spend a lot of time on Google. Often this only adds more confusion.

Martin Cohen Dip CNM, mBANT, mCNHC
Registered Nutritional Therapist

IBS & Gut Health Specialists

Gut symptoms can appear gradually over several months or in some cases overnight. This can lead you to cut foods out or try supplements you’ve found online, without addressing the root cause of your problem.

It doesn’t have to be this way.

Instead of using medications or restrictive diets to suppress these symptoms, our Nutritional Therapists can help you to identify and address the cause of your issues so you can live a symptom-free life.

Conditions we treat:

Support includes:

Diet plans
Expert practitioner support
Evidence-based supplements
Gut health tests

What are your symptoms telling us?

How We Can Support You

Registered Nutritional Therapists

Personalised support and guidance from a dedicated Nutritional Therapist. Your practitioner will specialise in your symptoms and condition.

Dietary Support

Personalised dietary support and meal plans to guide you through the support process. From symptom management to maintaining long-term gut health.

Evidence-based Supplements

Evidence-based supplements to address the underlying factors that may be contributing to your gut symptoms.

Gut Health Tests

While not required in all cases, tests can be considered to help us understand the cause of your symptoms.

The Consultation Process

Step 1

Free Consultation

  • Free 15-minute consultation with gut health practitioner
  • Symptom assessment
  • Treatment options
  • Answer your questions

Step 2

Initial Consultation

  • Initial 90-minute consultation
  • Personalised treatment plan
  • Diet and meal plans
  • Evidence-based supplements
  • Testing options

Step 3

Follow-up Consultations

  • Continued practitioner support
  • Progress assessment
  • Gut health tests review and analysis
  • Gut health maintenance programs

Success Stories

Conversations with those we’ve already helped.


Rebecca’s symptoms of IBS started after taking antibiotics for tonsillitis. She cut out foods and introduced supplements by herself, but her symptoms continued.

With our support, Rebecca is now symptom-free.


Geri’s gut issues started decades ago. After several trips to her GP, treatment for H Pylori and even the removal of her gallbladder she was still experiencing symptoms.

Since working with us, Geri’s symptoms have stopped.


Stella’s digestive problems started gradually. This led her to cut foods one at a time and survive on an increasingly restrictive and bland diet. Even with doing this, she was still experiencing symptoms.

Stella can now eat a varied diet without experiencing gut issues.

A free eBook to get you started

How To Beat the Bloat

Learn about the main causes of bloating and understand what might be causing your digestive issues.

  • The best tools for beating the bloat
  • Why many approaches may not work
  • Addressing the most common causes of bloating
* indicates required

Nutritional Therapist & Gut Health Specialist

Martin Cohen


Having graduated from The College of Naturopathic Medicine in 2015, Martin founded The IBS & Gut Health Clinic. This was born from the understanding that many people with digestive issues have not received the care they require through other avenues.

His passion is to address the underlying reasons for digestive complaints and to help his clients reach a symptom-free life.

Learn more

In-person and online consultations available

In-person consultations

Available at our clinic in Wilmslow, Cheshire.

Online consultations

Available through easy-to-access and secure Zoom calls.

Speak to us about your gut health today